Monday, August 10, 2009

Less than 2 weeks

We will be back in school in less than two weeks. In case anyone is school shopping for this class, you will need the following:

1 3-ring binder - at least 1 1/2" thick
1 pkg of dividers
loose-leaf paper - prefer college ruled
a flash/jump drive - the more memory the better (you can use that for other classes too that way) *not required, but I would get at least an 8G if you can
pens that write comfortably - meaning don't smear and feel good to you when you write - sounds weird, but your pen will be your best friend when you're reporting

(the $10 covers your own Mini DV tape and two reporter's notebooks) you're welcome to purchase these on your own, but you'll pay more than $20 for the set. I can get a deal in bulk.

Happy school shopping. Take some time to smell the Crayolas and GET YOUR BLOGS DONE!!

1 comment:

Shawn Mccown said...

I really like this post.
Give me my points for class.
